Lots of questions out there about Tricare and “some” changes that are taking place.

Good Morning Everyone- I have been receiving A LOT of calls concerning the changes that go into effect with Tricare beginning 1 January 2021- mostly concerning that you now have to pay monthly fees for Tricare Select. I am attaching information straight from the Tricare.mil website. A couple of takeaways…

  1. Tricare is a Department of Defense function, not VA (though we still need to assist our Veterans with as much information as possible)
  2. If someone is already on Tricare Prime or Tricare for Life, there are no changes
  3. What Happens if I Don’t Take Action? If you fail to pay your enrollment fees by Dec. 31, 2020, you’ll be dis-enrolled from TRICARE Select. You’ll have 180 days from your last paid through date to request reinstatement. You’re also responsible for past enrollment fees. You must contact your regional contractor to request reinstatement. If you don’t take action, you’ll only be able to get care from a military hospital or clinic if space is available.
  4. If a Tricare recipient wants dental or vision coverage, they must enroll in one of the dental and/or vision plans through the Federal Employee Dental and Vision plan website during the Open Enrollment Period which ends December 14, 2020 at the following website: https://tricare.benefeds.com/InfoPortal/indexAction

Please spread the word as much as you can and have a Meritorious Day!

Semper Fidelis


Bill Heyob
Bureau Chief/State Service Officer
Office of Veterans Advocacy
Idaho Division of Veterans Services
Boise VA Regional Office
(208) 780-1380- Office
(208) 780-1381- Fax

